Over at WhichCM.com they are preparing to launch the annual search to crown the CM Team of the Year. This will be the 11th time they have run the award and the excitement is building fast!
For those who are not familiar with the great work done by WhichCM, head over now and check out what on offer. It’s the only website out there that dedicates itself to solely celebrating the work done by bingo chat hosts across the bingo world.
Each month they invites all bingo players to head over and vote for who they think deserves to be awarded CM of the Month. Vote updates are published each week and the winner announced on the 1st day of every month. Then, every December the best performing CM Teams from throughout the year fight it out to become Team of the Year.
Aside from the votes, WhichCM also have a very busy CM Recruitment section which list all the latest CM Job Vacancies. They have a ever growing list of trusted partners who regularly advertise for new CMs through WhichCM.
This years shortlist has not yet been released, but it is due very soon! The vote will commence on December 1st – good luck to everyone involved!